12 New Google Marketplace Apps

Google Apps Marketplace provides extra functionality and web apps that directly integrate with your Google Apps accounts. Need a CRM, Social Media integration or even a web app to handle billing? Then search for these new ones below or check out https://www.google.com/enterprise/marketplace/

12 New Google Marketplace Apps

  • GrockitSocial Learning Platform for Students
    A social platform for learning that provides students with collaborative, real-time study rooms and relevant coursework to achieve various educational goals.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Calendar sync, Google Docs
  • Elance Talent Acquisition and Management
    An employment platform that offers talent-hungry companies instant access to qualified online workers and the tools to hire, evaluate, and compensate them.
    Integrations: Single sign-on
  • ERPLYEnterprise Resource Planning
    An ERP software that helps you easily manage your points of sale (POS), inventory, relationships and billing by providing real-time information.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Calendar
  • InsyncDocument Management
    A Dropbox for Google Apps that bi-directionally sync Google Docs to Finder and Explorer, allowing a user to work seamlessly across a desktop and browser.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Docs sync, Google Contacts
  • RainmakerSocial CRM
    A tool to supercharge your contacts by searching a user’s social networks to auto-populate critical information and merging it right into Google Contacts.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Contact Sync
  • Pipeline DealsCustomer Management
    A CRM tool to help manage your sales pipeline by overseeing deal flow, tracking leads, and running reports. Current PipelineDeals users manage a combined sales pipeline of $60 billion.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Calendar Sync, Google Contacts Sync
  • Idea2Customer Management
    A CRM tool that organizes data according to employees’ usage patterns and makes critical data available to them in the most relevant locations.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Gmail, Google Calendar
  • KashooAccounting and Finance
    Accounting software that creates and sends invoices, manages expenses, reconciles bank statements, tracks cash flow, and generates financial reports.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Gmail
  • SimplifyThisProductivity
    A tool to help employees book appointments, manage to bill, and track clients through a fluid interface with Google Apps.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Calendar
  • OffiServProductivity
    An application that supports administrative processes by automating various functions, such as purchase order approval, vacation management, and resource distribution.
    Integrations: Single sign-on
  • Mindquilt Productivity
    An internal question and answer platform for companies to help streamline the process of employee inquiries and knowledge distribution.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Gmail, Google Talk
  • RecMan Security and Compliance
    A tool that provides transparent records management and compliance features, centralized document access control, and retention, legal holds and disposition policy management.
    Integrations: Single sign-on, Google Docs, Gmail

Have any new apps that you recommend? Tell us below in the comments…

John Bunka - Simplex Studios

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