We Would Love Your Feedback
Reviews are key to our business and yours. A positive review on Google or Facebook would mean the world to us. Each area below explains how to leave a review. Thanks and please let us know if you have any questions.
How to leave a Google Review
Note: On Google Maps, you can write reviews for places you’ve visited. Your reviews are public, so anyone can see what you write. You can’t add an anonymous review.
Add a Google Maps Rating
- 1. Open Google Maps and make sure you're signed in.
- 2. Search for "Simplex Studios"
- 3. You may have to click the Map pointer
- 4. On the left hand side towards the bottom, Click Write a review.
- 5. In the window that appears, click the stars to score the place. If you want, you can also write a review.
How to leave a Facebook Review
- 1. Goto https://www.facebook.com/simplexstudios/
- 2. Go to the Reviews section on the left side of the Page's Timeline
- 3. Click the gray stars to choose a rating and write an optional review
- 4. Click to select your audience
- 5. Click Done
Questions? Or Need Additional Help? Email Us Below