Best of the Springs 2017 – Help us by voting!

Best of the Springs 2017: Update: Need a website? Check out our website design services

Best of the Springs 2017

Presented by the Gazette

Best of the Springs 2017: All the best places in Colorado Springs, all in one place. From now until February 19th you can vote for your favorite places in Colorado Springs to dine, entertain, and live life to the fullest. We love this wonderful city!

Best of the Springs 2017 – Voting How To

  1. Goto:
  2. Pick a category!
  3. It will ask for your email now (which you can ignore) or after you vote
  4. Vote by choosing a company, place etc from the list
  5. You can write anyone in which is great! (We would love your vote, see below)

Best of the Springs 2017 – Voting Tips & Tricks

  1. You can write in any company not listed (Example: Under City Life, scroll down to Ad Agency, click “Post Your Own” and write in Simplex Studios
  2. You can vote now and if you change your mind you can always return to change your votes
  3. At the top of a category there is a long navy bar that says “Show Links” on the right. Click this to see all the specific categories on that page The_Best_of_the_Springs_show_links
  4. You can, optionally, also provide a comment on your reason for your choice. You do not need to provide a comment for any, or all of your votes, and any time you submit a new comment, it will replace your older one.
  5. Lastly, you do not need to fill out every single category for any to count, as soon as one submission is sent to us, it is stored and will be counted when we go through and tally the votes for the winners.

Have fun voting and thank you (if you wrote us in) for adding us into the Best of the Springs 2017! If you have any questions about Simplex Studios, web design, website development or anything else related to marketing please let us know here.

John Bunka - Simplex Studios

Have a question about this article? Let us know we would love to help!

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We provide website design, support, and marketing consulting for all businesses. We use the latest tools to push your businesses forward and help you get in front of your customers.

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