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Intro to the WordPress Block Editor / Gutenberg

Join us: January 14, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

colorado-springs-wordpress-meetup-block-editor-simplex-studiosIntro to the WordPress Block Editor / Gutenberg
Colorado Springs WordPress Meetup

The WordPress Block Editor, also known as, Gutenberg. We will go over what it is, how to use it and a few plugins that make help you along the way.

Experience the flexibility that blocks will bring, whether you are building your first site, or write code for a living.

Gutenberg Live Demo: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/

NOTE: This meetup starts at 7:00 pm (30 mins later than usual)

Please RSVP on Meetup.com and continue the discussion on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/380371399104374/ or on the Colorado Web Developers Slack Channel: https://coswp.com/

This event is apart of the official Colorado Springs WordPress Meetup. We welcome everyone from beginner WordPress users to WordPress developers. Have a question? Contact us above.

RSVP Here: https://www.meetup.com/ColoradoSpringsWordPress/events/267518701/


What is the WordPress Block Editor?

Using a system of Blocks to compose and format content, the new block-based editor is designed to create rich, flexible layouts for websites and digital products. Content is created in the unit of blocks instead of freeform text with inserted media, embeds and Shortcodes (there’s a Shortcode block though).

Blocks treat Paragraphs, Headings, Media, and Embeds all as components that, when strung together, make up the content stored in the WordPress database, replacing the traditional concept of freeform text with embedded media and shortcodes.

The new editor is designed with progressive enhancement, meaning that it is back-compatible with all legacy content, and it also offers a process to try to convert and split a Classic block into equivalent blocks using client-side parsing.

Finally, the blocks offer enhanced editing and format controls. The Editor offers rich new value to users with visual, drag-and-drop creation tools and powerful developer enhancements with modern vendor packages, reusable components, rich APIs and hooks to modify and extend the editor through Custom Blocks, Custom Block Styles and Plugins.

Questions? Contact Simplex Studios

Intro to the WordPress Block Editor / Gutenberg Details

Event Details


January 14, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:
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Simplex Studios
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Venue Details

Library 21c

1175 Chapel Hills Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80920 United States

(See event description for the exact room location)


(719) 884-9800

Venue Website:

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John Bunka | Simplex Studios

We provide website design, website development and marketing consulting for business. Located in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO. We use the latest tools to push your businesses forward and help you get in front of your target audience. Learn About Simplex Studios

If you have any questions, please contact us here.