Let’s get your business to show up on Google! We have 20 new $100 Google Adwords coupons to give away to businesses who want to get in front of new customers.
Run an easy-to-create ad on Google that appears to potential customers searching your area for exactly what you offer. Google wants you to create your ad and run it before June 30, 2012 to use the $100 in free advertising. This is a great way to get started.
Message us and we will send you one!
*Edit* Please provide the following
- Type of business you are in
- What you do etc
- State in the USA
- If you can use them before June
Have a question about this article? Let us know we would love to help!
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We provide website design, support, and marketing consulting for all businesses. We use the latest tools to push your businesses forward and help you get in front of your customers.