With the recent release of WordPress 3.1 most people are still working in the new features into their blogging workflow. 3.2 will update the core technologies that WordPress works off of and create a faster cleaner code base that will benefit both the user and the search engines.
WordPress 3.2 Highlights
- Faster Release Cycle – It’ll be here before you know it, or at least sooner than other releases have been.
- Faster and Lighter – With support for long-outdated technologies being dropped, this will be the fastest and lightest WordPress in quite some time.
- PHP 5.2.4 Required – The team will simply be dropping support for PHP 4, there won’t be very many new PHP 5 features added
- MySQL 5 Required – Like above, the team will simply be dropping support for MySQL 4.
- IE6 EOL – No more fancy IE6-only hacks. The team will be officially discontinuing support for IE6 in the Dashboard and instead providing a “use a real browser” nag screen.
- New Fullscreen Editor – It’s time for a new fullscreen editor that’s “more beautiful, more useful, and simpler.”
- Better Upgrades – Changed files only, yay!
- Faster Everything – Besides the speed improvements from dropping support for outdated technologies, the team is focussing on speed improvements all around, including (but certainly not limited to) the Dashboard and admin menu.
Everyone loves faster sites but what if your idea isn’t on here? WordPress now offers a place for the general public to submit their ideas to the WordPress software. See WordPress Ideas
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