It’s official! On December 11, 2012, WordPress Version 3.5, has been released to the public. Codename: Elvin Jones
It’s time to update to take advantage of the great new features and the polished new interface. Get the update at or download it within your admin area to start diving in! Make sure to do a backup first.
WordPress 3.5 Highlights
New Media Manager
This update is huge and has been needed for a while. It is a joy to work with the new media manager and it’s definitely cleaner and provides the functionality that people expect a website admin area to have.
- Beautiful interface: A streamlined, all-new experience
- Create galleries faster with drag-and-drop reordering, inline caption editing, and simplified controls
- Insert multiple images at once with Shift/Ctrl+click
New Default Theme – Twenty Twelve
Cleaner, simple and responsive!
- Simple, flexible, elegant
- Mobile-first, responsive design
- Gorgeous Open Sans typeface
- Uses the latest Theme Features
Admin Enhancements
These are welcomed as well so users can enjoy the admin interface on their ipads or high res displays.
- New Welcome Screen
- Retina-Ready (HiDPI) Admin
- Hide Link Manager for new installs
- Better accessibility for screen readers, touch devices, and keyboard users
- More polish on admin screens, including a new color picker
For Developers
This is for the developers out their…
- WP_Comment_Query and WP_User_Query accept now meta queries just like WP_Query
- Meta queries now support querying for objects without a particular meta key
- Post objects are now instances of a WP_Post class, which improves performance and caching
- Multisite’s switch_to_blog() is now significantly faster and more reliable
- WordPress has added the Underscore and Backbone JavaScript libraries
- TinyMCE, jQuery, jQuery UI, and SimplePie have all been updated to the latest versions
- Image Editing API for cropping, scaling, etc., that uses ImageMagick as well as GD
- XML-RPC: Now always enabled and supports fetching users, managing post revisions, searching
What do you think the most exciting update is?
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