International Freelancers Day
International Freelancers Day is an online conference featuring 24 world-renowned speakers providing education and inspiration to solo professionals everywhere. It works a little differently than…
12 New Google Marketplace Apps
Google Apps Marketplace provides extra functionality and web apps that directly integrate with your Google Apps accounts. Need a CRM, Social Media integration or even…
Google has a Solution for email overload!
Email overload? Try Priority Inbox, coming soon to your Google Apps and Gmail inbox. Priority Inbox automatically identifies your important email and separates it out…
Google Apps Testimonials
HOM Real Estate Group Goes Google [youtube][/youtube] Camden Daily of Prudential Preferred Properties talks his company’s use of Google Apps [youtube][/youtube] Google Apps Switch! [youtube][/youtube]…
A Guide To Buying Your Next Laptop
A Guide To Buying Your Next Laptop This guide is set up to help you do your homework when buying a new laptop for your…
Weekend Computer Cleanup
So its the weekend, time to recover from the week. You could be out mowing the yard, cleaning the house, doing that project you keep…
What you missed at WordCamp Boulder 2010
What you missed at WordCamp Boulder 2010! just posted new videos see them below or find them at Panel Discussion: Blogging for Your Business…
AppSumo – 50% Helps the Gulf Oil Spill bundles multiple web apps and sells them super cheap. The current deal is giving 50% to cleaning up the Gulf oil spill! Current Deal…
July 26 Link Love Worthy Of Your Attention
Link Love Worthy Of Your Attention Design: 15 Famous And Successful Logo Redesigns – What Has Been Improved? Below is a list, in no particular…
.CO domains are now available to the masses
CO domains, the new .COM? .CO domains are now available to the masses for $29.99 per year. Some of the obvious ones are already taken such…
Link Love
Link Love At Simplex Studios Below are a few links that we loved this past week. Enjoy! 4 Simple Steps to Control Your Facebook Privacy…